
宏基蜜蜂生態農場 VIP會員 優惠,適用於官方網路商店購物、以及農場實體門市購物。


您可獨享下列優惠與權益 :

1. 本農場實體門市/官方網站享全館一般商品9折優惠。

2. 官網折價卷優惠: VIP會員將不定期獲得官網 特殊活動、歡慶生日之 (折、減、免、贈)折價券。

3. 不定期獲得「宏基蜂蜜」品牌活動商品及優惠訊息。


  「活動商品、促銷商品、加購商品、非折扣商品」…等已具超值優惠的商品喔 !。


◉ VIP會員之專屬實體【VIP會員卡】,每人僅能申請一張。

◉ VIP會員資料,一切以申辦資料為主,無法更改他人使用。

◉ VIP會員優惠折扣,於取得VIP會員後之下筆消費(第二筆消費)開始生效。

◉ VIP會員各項優惠權益,不得與其他優惠活動同時使用 (以官方公告活動為主)。

◉「VIP會員優惠」不適用本農場實體門市/官方網站 之

    「活動商品、促銷商品、加購商品、非折扣商品」… 等已具超值優惠的商品 。

◉ 宏基蜜蜂生態農場 保留隨時修正或停用 VIP會員 / VIP會員卡 之權利。

◉ 相關辦法未盡事宜,以宏基蜜蜂生態農場官方網站及農場門市公告為準,不另通知。


    詳情請參閱 : 【 VIP會員資格可永久使用,什麼狀況會取消資格? 】章節


◉ 於本農場實體門市

1. 單次消費滿5,000元(含)以上者。

2. 累積消費滿20,000元(含)以上者。

凡符合資格之消費者,現場完成入會資料填寫 (姓名、電話、電子郵件),於門市即核發專屬實體VIP會員卡一張,


◉ 欲於農場門市累積消費金額,結帳後請與門市結帳人員索取「累積消費金額證明」,

   申請VIP會員時, 請於農場門市出示所有的「累積消費金額證明」,門市人員將會協助您進行辦理 !


◉ 從2020/10/05 10:00起,於本農場官方網站

1. 單筆訂單結帳金額滿5,000元(含)以上者。

2. 累積消費訂單金額滿20,000元(含)以上者。


各條件轉換流程如下 :

(1.) 單筆消費金額滿5,000元 ,付款成功且於出貨後10日內無拒收退貨(下訂後11日內),




(2.) 單筆消費金額未滿5,000元時,付款成功之訂單於出貨後10日內無拒收退貨(下訂後11日內),




訂購/購買時,要怎麼使用『 VIP會員』優惠?

依您的購買/訂購方式不同,有多種使用我們 『 VIP會員』優惠的方式唷 !

1. 農場門市購買 :

    請於結帳時,向門市人員提供您的會員電話號碼 、或卡背上的【VIP會員卡號】,方便我們為您查詢會員狀態、進行優惠折扣。

2. 電話訂購 :

    請於電話中,向客服人員提供您的會員電話號碼 、或卡背上的【VIP會員卡號】,方便我們為您查詢會員狀態、進行優惠折扣。

    來電訂購專線 :
    宏基蜜蜂生態農場 實體門市專線 : 049-242-2239
    宏基蜜蜂生態農場 客服專線 : 049-298-0851

3. 傳真訂購 :

    請於傳真訂購單上註明您有VIP會員,並提供您的會員電話號碼 、或卡背上的【VIP會員卡號】,方便我們為您查詢會員狀態、進行優惠折扣。


4. 網路訂購 :

◉ FaceBook、instagram (IG、insta) 訂購 :

    宏基蜜蜂生態農場 官方 FaceBook
    宏基蜜蜂生態農場 官方 instagram

    您可透過社群網站即時通訊訂購,並將請您提供您的會員電話號碼 、或卡背上的【VIP會員卡號】,方便我們為您查詢會員狀態、進行優惠折扣。

◉ LINE@ 訂購 :

    宏基蜜蜂生態農場 官方 LINE ID : @bees   (搜尋宏基蜂蜜line id)

    您可透過官方LINE進行訂購,並將請您提供您的會員電話號碼 、或卡背上的【VIP會員卡號】,方便我們為您查詢會員狀態、進行優惠折扣。

◉ 官方網站訂購:

    宏基蜜蜂生態農場 官方網站






系統將會依您【會員姓名/會員手機號碼】自動綁定您的舊有VIP會員資格喔 !

請注意 :

◉ 您於【會員中心】註冊時,需提供當初於農場門市、舊官方網站所留下之【會員姓名/會員手機號碼】

系統才能辨識比對,自動轉換您為VIP會員喔 !


下列特殊情況 ,都會導致您註冊後,無法順利取得原有的VIP會員資格 :

◉ 您於註冊時所提供的【會員姓名/會員手機號碼】資料,與當初申請VIP會員時之資料不相符。

◉ 農場門市最新的VIP會員資訊,為每月一次不定時增補資料至官方網站,您在資料尚未增補前註冊。

◉ 新舊官網VIP會員資訊於2019/10/10時進行轉換,轉換作業時資料有所缺失。


   詳情請參閱 : 【 VIP會員會員資格可永久使用,什麼狀況下會取消資格? 】


未顯示出【您的會員等級 : 恭喜您已成為宏基蜜蜂生態農場VIP會員 !】 之狀態。

此時請致電客服專線 049-2980851,並將請您提供您的會員電話號碼 、或卡背上的【VIP會員卡號】,


我在 (2019/10/10~202010/05)前於新官網有消費,訂單累積消費金額已可成為VIP會員,為何系統不會自動轉換?

很抱歉,2019/10/10 ~ 202010/05  之過往消費訂單

無法納入 2020/10/05 啟動之 『消費累積金額,系統自動轉換帳號為「VIP會員」』 功能內

如您確定您於 2019/10/10 ~ 202010/05 時 ,

您的會員中心/訂單查詢,商品訂購清單中之狀態為  :

(1.) 單筆消費金額滿5,000元(含)以上 ,該「關鍵訂單」訂單付款成功且出貨完成,亦無拒收退貨。

(2.) 多筆訂單消費金額未滿5,000元,但多筆訂單累積消費金額滿20,000元(含)以上,所有「關鍵訂單」訂單付款成功且出貨完成,亦無拒收退貨。

此時請致電 客服專線 049-2980851,並將請您提供您的會員資料,方便客服人員為您查詢訂單狀態,



請妥善保管宏基蜜蜂生態農場 VIP會員卡,若有遺失或損毀狀況,

請至本農場實體門市申請補卡,或於上班時間致電客服專線 049-2980851 申請補卡,



1. 單筆消費金額滿5000元 ,該筆訂單為達成VIP會員成立條件之「關鍵訂單」。

2. 單筆消費金額未滿5000元時,當累積消費金額滿20,000元時,多筆累積金額之訂單為達成VIP會員成立條件之「關鍵訂單」。




系統將自動回復您為 一般會員,並自動註銷您的VIP會員卡號。

並將於您的【會員中心】顯示相關提示如下 :

「 親愛的OOO顧客您好 :


而於O年O月O日時您已申辦退貨退款,該VIP會員卡 (卡號 : OOOOO) 亦即喪失效力。




◉ 「關鍵訂單」之退貨退款流程,將包含「VIP會員卡」退回,

   詳細解說請參閱 退貨 / 換貨說明 : 【退貨退款之訂單,相關聯「VIP會員成立」處理說明】。

◉ 「關鍵訂單」成立之詳細解說,請參閱【如何成為宏基蜂蜜『VIP會員』,領取專屬實體VIP會員卡?】。


  • 若您於本官網購物,選擇「現金匯款」金流程序 : 

  • 若您與本公司進行  企業團購 | 大宗採購、客製服務等付款程序 : 

請您依訂單金額將款項匯入下列帳戶 :


請匯款至以下指定帳戶,確認款項後將安排出貨 / 製作。

【銀行代號】: ( 007 ) 第一商業銀行埔里分行

【帳       號】 : 442-100-35886

【戶       名】 : 宏基蜜蜂生態農場

*** 匯款手續費須由顧客自行負擔。

*** 自行匯款後,請保留您的交易明細表,傳真至本農場( 傳真號碼 : (049)2992398 )或加入宏基蜂蜜官方LINE (Line ID: @bees)
      並告知匯款帳號後5碼 、與訂單編號,以便查核。
*** 當我們收到您提供的資訊,經會計核對無誤後,即會安排最近期之工作日 / 與您約定之出貨日,寄出您所訂購的商品。

*** 如有訂單問題,歡迎至  [ 客服中心 / 聯絡我們 ] 留言,或加入宏基蜂蜜官方LINE (Line ID: @bees) ,將有專員為您服務。

*** 若有任何問題,請於營業時間與我們聯繫:AM 08:00 ~ PM 05:00,官方客服專線 : 049-2980851

商品瑕疵 退 / 換貨 顧客端 前置作業流程




  • 若為「缺少訂購商品、商品發送錯誤」,請您直接與我們客服聯繫即可。

  • 若您發現訂購商品於物流中 破損/毀損、漏封 :

1. 敬請將您所看到的瑕疵與問題,以手機進行拍攝,並傳送相片與我們客服反映

2. 請勿丟棄商品與包裝外箱,請於聯繫我們的客服後,由我們客服為您安排後續處置。



退 / 換貨原則需知



欲申請退貨 / 換貨,敬請於營業時間與本農場客服接洽。

◉ 請注意!當您提出退/換貨申請,即代表同意我們的退/換貨原則與細節定義,



營業時間:AM 08:00 ~ PM 05:00
客服信箱 : info@hgbees.com.tw
線上客服 :
LineID: @bees
   [ 線上留言 ]

退 / 換貨 運費相關規定 :

   1.  商品瑕疵、或其他歸責於商品原生問題之退/換貨 ,將由本農場發起收回,運費由本農場負擔。

   2.  不滿意商品、或其他歸責於消費者問題之退/換貨 ,將由消費者寄回,運費由消費者負擔。

◉ 商品如需退回時 : 該筆訂單之 商品、贈品、發票、出貨單據 ... 等皆需一併完整退回。
  請保持商品完整性,必須是全新狀態且完整包裝 ( 包含


◉ 退/換貨前,敬請事先聯繫本農場客服,切勿自行寄回無法退貨之商品

◉ 商品之退/換貨收回時,若有另附其他任何非該訂單所附之任何物件,一律視同放棄該批物件,本農場不負保管歸還賠償之責。

◉ 可退/換貨之相關細節,敬請參閱 [ 可退/換貨之商品瑕疵定義 ] 章節闡述。

◉ 不可退/換貨之相關細節,敬請參閱 [ 無法辦理退 / 換貨之相關定義 ] 章節闡述。







欲辦理退/換貨時,需保持商品完整性,必須是保持全新且包裝完整 ( 商品、所屬附件、包裝紙盒/袋無破壞、所有附隨文件與資料,皆需齊全)。

◉不可退/換貨之定義,請參閱 「無法辦理退 / 換貨之相關定義」。



◉ 商品收貨時,未開封狀態卻破損 。(尚未開封,於運送過程中便已破損)。

◉ 未開封商品內,含有非正常結晶以外之物品。

無法辦理退 / 換貨之相關定義

欲辦理退/換貨時,請保持商品完整性,必須是保持全新且包裝完整 ( 商品、所屬附件、包裝紙盒/袋無破壞、所有附隨文件與資料,皆需齊全)。

除商品瑕疵外,以下情況恕不受理退貨退款 / 退貨換貨 :

1.  已超過7天鑑賞猶豫期 (鑑賞猶豫期:收到商品後隔天起為第一天,含假日),恕無法辦理退貨。

2.  季節性活動優惠/特價商品/贈品,恕無法辦理退貨。

3.  欲退貨之訂單中,任一商品開封、缺少附件、未保持完好包裝、受破壞損毀刮傷、不完整(例如:外包塑膠膜已撕開或打開),恕無法辦理退/換貨。

4.  若因退貨商品不完整或配件遺漏,致使物流公司需再次至指定地點收貨者,買受人或收件人需負擔此項額外之物流處理費用。

5.  若退/換貨商品與訂單有所出入,產品、贈品、發票、出貨單據等未一併妥善包裝退回,恕無法辦理退/換貨。

6.  任何因為口味、風味爭議,或蜂蜜天然結晶、開封後保存不當長螞蟻...等正常物理、常識現象之爭議,恕無法辦理退/換貨。

7.  任何非於 宏基蜂蜜生態農場官方網站上購買之商品、非該批欲退/換貨 訂單之出貨商品,恕無法辦理退/換貨。

8. 其他逾越檢查之必要或可歸責於買受人或收件人之事由,致商品有毀損、滅失或變更者。

9.  退/換貨前,未事先聯繫本農場客服,自行寄回瑕疵商品、無法退/換貨之商品,恕不受理相關退/換貨處理,產生之相關運費將由消費者自行支付。

10.  退/換貨作業處理時,若無法順利收回商品,將取消您的退/換貨申請,敬請見諒。

11.  退/換貨收回時,若有另附其他任何非該訂單所附之任何物件,一律視同放棄該批物件,本農場不負保管、歸還、賠償之責。

◉  宏基蜜蜂生態農場保留一切 『無法辦理退 / 換貨之相關定義』相關細節解釋之權利,若有任何疑問,請與本農場客服聯繫。



確認符合我們的退款標準,且資料確認無誤後 :

◉ 若您使用信用卡付款,我方將於工作日時進行線上整筆刷退,刷退作業完成後,系統將自動寄送『退款通知信』通知您。


◉ 採超商代碼、ATM虛擬帳號(綠界)、貨到付款、現金/匯款付款者,將由我們客服與您聯繫退款,



◉ 經與本農場客服協調,商退部分商品者,退款金額將依協商時雙方同意之金額為主,並視同放棄衍生之任何異議。

◉ 已使用之折價券於完成結帳後即不再有效,退貨退款申請成立後,也無法取回折價券,敬請見諒。

無法辦理退款 / 補件情況說明


◉  確認不符合我們的退貨標準,無法辦理退/換貨程序,將無法辦理退款。

◉  匯款帳號提供有誤,將無法辦理退款。



◉  再次補件之郵資,將由消費者自行吸收。





詳情請參閱 : 「VIP優惠與權益」 【 VIP會員資格可永久使用,什麼狀況會取消資格? 】章節



  • 宅配到府
    - 本島單筆訂購金額滿2000元以上者,即可享有免運費之服務。
    - 離島地區,單筆訂購金則需額滿3500元以上

    ●不指定                   ●13:00 點前                ●14:00 - 18:00(最晚配送時段)

Shopping Notes





  • 電話訂購
    服務時間:週一~週六 8:00~17:00
  • 網路訂購

  • LINE 訂購
    LINE ID           : @bees (搜尋宏基蜂蜜line id)
    LINE 訂購說明 :於line中留言告之所需要的產品規格及數量,並留下配送資訊   (姓名.電話.地址.)
  • 傳真訂購

  • 貨到付款


  • 現金/匯款 

    【銀行代號】: (007) 第一商業銀行埔里分行

    【帳       號】 : 442-100-35886

    【戶       名】 : 宏基蜜蜂生態農場
      * 匯款後,請保留您的交易明細表,以便傳真及查詢。  

      * 匯款完成後請傳真匯款單至本公司 ( 049-2992398  ) / 
    或 來電告知 - 匯款帳號後五碼 ,

  • 信用卡(一次付清) 


  • 宅配到府
    - 本島單筆訂購金額滿2000元以上者,即可享有免運費之服務。
    - 離島地區,單筆訂購金則需額滿3500元以上

    ●不指定                   ●13:00 點前                ●14:00 - 18:00(最晚配送時段)

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Website Terms of Use







本網站在您使用服務信箱、聯絡我們等互動性功能時,會保留您所提供資料: 如姓名、性別、年齡、出生日期、電話、通信地址、住址、電子郵件地址、等情況。









無論在任何狀況下,宏基蜜蜂生態農場 或其任何關係企業及供應商均不會為任何因使用,或無法使用本網站或內容所導致,或引發的直接、間接、連帶、懲罰性、特殊,或偶發損害,其中包括失去業務、合約、收益、資料、資訊,或交易中斷等損害負責,即使 宏基蜜蜂生態農場 事先被告知該損害的可能性也不承擔責任。任何與本網站相關之訴訟,必須在訴訟原因發生後一年內起訴,並應以書面告知 宏基蜜蜂生態農場





privacy policy

HUNG GEE BEES FARM takes serious responsibilities in protecting your Personal Data and compliance with Applicable Laws. We are committed to manage, to protect and to process your Personal Data in accordance with this Policy below.

Please read and review this Policy before you start using any of our services. By registering as our member or placing order with us, mean you have read and consent to this Policy.

For the purposes of understanding HUNG GEE BEES FARM’s Personal Data Protection Policy (“Policy”), capitalized terms used in this Policy shall have the following meanings:

  1. Applicable Laws” means Taiwan’s Personal Data Protection Act hereinafter, the "PDPA" and its subsidiary legislations and regulations as amended from time to time;
  2. Personal Data” means any data, whether true or not, which is (a) about an individual who can be identified (i) from that data; or (ii) from that data and other information to which we have or are likely to have access and would include data in our records as may be updated from time to time, or (b) defined as “personal data” or “personal information” under any applicable Data Protection Laws.
  3. Platforms” means collectively HUNG GEE BEES FARM’s Social Media and Website, and any other websites or applications which we may own or operate from time to time;
  4. Social Media” means HUNG GEE BEES FARM’s pages and accounts on third party social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Line, Twitter, Pinterest, Whatsapp and Google+;
  5. Website” means the HUNG GEE BEES FARM website accessed at the following address at https://www.hgbees.biz/ ; and
  6. HUNG GEE BEES FARM,we, us, or our” means Hung Gee Bees Farm, Hung Gee Bees Honey Farm Co., Ltd or Grandpa Lai's Honey.

During your usage of the Website and interaction with our Social Media, we may collect Personal Data from you. Examples of the types of Personal Data we may collect include your name, contact details, mailing and delivery addresses, email address, birthday, network and device data, your shopping or browsing behaviors, voice recording (for customer service calls) and any other personally identifiable information which you have provided us in any forms you may have submitted to us, or in the course of any other forms of interaction between you and us. 

If you provide us with Personal Data relating to a third party by submitting such Personal Data to us, you represent to us that you have obtained the consent of the third party to provide us with their Personal Data for the respective purposes.

By (1) clicking “Yes” on our Policy pop-up or any web form referring to this Policy on any of our online platforms, (2) submitting your Personal Data to us when signing up for an account on the Website, (3) browsing our Website, or (4) ordering any of our products and services, you are agreeing to the terms of this Policy.

How Do We  Collect Your Personal Data

We collect Personal Data from you when:

  • You register an account on the Website;
  • You use any of our related services, such as subscribing to our newsletter, product notifications;
  • You browse our products and services or otherwise interact with our Website and Apps;
  • You accept our cookies on your device;
  • You interact with our customer experience team or other representatives, for example, via our webform, emails, telephone calls, letters, or face-to-face meetings;
  • You interact with us on our Social Media, such as liking our posts, commenting on our posts, private messaging us on our Social Media;
  • You participate in our promotions, lucky draws, initiatives or any request for additional Personal Data such as customer surveys;
  • We receive references from business partners and third parties, for example, where they referred you to us to enjoy the benefits of a joint promotion or collaboration or to redeem a voucher you purchased through them;
  • Your authorized representative submits your Personal Data to us for any purpose reasonably authorized by you, for example if such representative is purchasing our product or service to be delivered to you or as a gift;
  • Our third-party analytics and other service providers provide your Personal Data to us, which was collected and processed by them and disclosed to us pursuant to their separate privacy policies; or
  • When you voluntarily submit your Personal Data to us for any reason.

We usually do not collect your credit card details, whether to process your payment or for customer service purposes. Your credit card details are collected, processed and stored directly by our third-party payment processors pursuant to their terms of use and privacy policies. None of your credit card detailsare stored with us. However, we may collect your bank account details to process refunds.

Please also take note of our Cookies Policy below in respect of the data collected and used by third-party cookies and trackers on our Website.

We may also collect your Personal Data in circumstances where such collection does not require consent under Applicable Laws.

Please ensure that all Personal Data submitted to us is complete, accurate, true and correct. Failure to do so may result in our inability to provide you with the products and services you have requested.


How Will Your Personal Data Be Used? 

We may use and disclose your Personal Data for purposes necessary to provide you with our products as services, including to:

  1. register and maintain your user account and to verify your identity or age;

  2. process your order for our products or services, process or collect your payment for the order;

  3. deliver or perform the products or services you purchased, including our couriers calling or messaging you to obtain your delivery instructions;

  4. process your returns or refunds in accordance with our Terms of Service;

  5. provide you with supporting services and functions related to your user account, such as saved items in cart, wish list, brand or product notifications;

  6. communicate with you in relation to (i) your queries, requests and feedback, (ii) material changes to our Website’s Terms of Service, Policy or other terms and conditions, and (iii) matters relating to the operation of your account;

  7. personalize and improve your customer experience when you visit the Website and the Apps, for example by prioritizing products and services appearing in your search results or feed;

  8. monitor and enforce compliance with our Terms of Service, including dispute resolution;

  9. comply with (i) internal risk controls, (ii) the terms of our access to payment processing, financial or banking services such as credit card disputes, fraud, billing errors, or (iii) any applicable law; and

  10. ensure our Website functions properly and to improve its performance, by carrying out activities such as debugging, statistical analyses for optimizing our Website.

(collectively, the “Purposes”)

In addition, we may use and disclose your Personal Data for the following purposes, to:

  1. send you marketing communications in relation to our sales, products, services, promotions or thePlatforms;

  2. send you marketing communications in relation to the sales, products, services or promotions of business partners, including promotional mail together with your order;

  3. deliver ads which are related to our products and services which may be of interest to you on the Platforms or other websites, apps or online platforms;

  4. enable businesses to deliver ads which are related to their products and services which may be of interest to you;

  5. invite you to our private customer events;

  6. process your participation in our promotions, lucky draws, initiatives or any request for additional Personal Data such as customer surveys;

  7. process your participation in our business partners’ loyalty or point redemption programs;

  8. conduct market and customer research, analysis or tracking;

  9. promote our products and services on our Platforms;

  10. manage the administrative and business operations of HUNG GEE BEES FARM and complying with internal policies and procedures;

  11. improve your customer experience across all touchpoints and training our customer experience team, such as by recording and monitoring phone calls; and

  12. any specific purpose in relation to a particular product or service, which we may separately notify you on the product or service page;

(collectively, the “Additional Purposes”)

We may also use your Personal Data (a) for other purposes which are reasonably related to the Purposes and where we have obtained and maintain related consent, the Additional Purposes; or (b) in circumstances where such use does not require consent under Applicable Laws.

Note: If you withdraw your consent for us to use and process your Personal Data the Purposes or the Additional Purposes, we may no longer be able to provide you with the related products, services or benefits associated with our promotion.


How Will Your Personal Data Be Shared With? 

In relation to our use of your Personal Data for the Purposes or Additional Purposes, we may disclose your Personal Data to our:

  1. employees, consultants, temporary workers;

  2. payment processors, who process your payment on the Website;

  3. logistics providers, such as courier services which will deliver your order to you;

  4. business partners who separately maintain an account with you for loyalty or point redemption programs;

  5. business partners or vendors in connection with the processing of any promotion, event or service organized by us;

  6. professional advisers and consultants;

  7. agents, contractors or service providers who provide operational services to us, such as online cloud storage and processing, marketing optimization, information technology, telecommunications, security or other relevant services which requires their collection, use or disclosure of your Personal Data; and

  8. any other party whom you authorize us to disclose your Personal Data to.

We may also disclose your Personal Data (a) for other purposes which are reasonably related to the Purposes and where we have obtained and maintain related consent, the Additional Purposes; or (b) in circumstances where such disclosure does not require consent under the Applicable Laws.

We do our best to minimize the disclosure of your Personal Data to the information necessary to perform the related Purpose or Additional Purpose. ‘


How Can I Access/ Correct/ OR Delete My Personal Data On The Site? 

You may access or correct your name, birthday, shipping and billing addresses and phone numbers by logging in to your user account on the Website under “Member Centre” and clicking the “Modify Member Account” button under each relevant field.
For Personal Data that cannot be corrected by you by logging in to your user account on the Website, you may request to access and correct such Personal Data by submitting a written request to us via emailing us at info@hgbees.com.tw . We may need to request additional information from you to confirm your identity before providing the access or making the correction.

If you wish to partially or completely delete your personal data from our website, please submit your written request to us via emailing us at info@hgbees.com.tw. We may need to request additional information from you to confirm your identity before providing the access or making the correction.

We will do our best to respond to Personal Data access and correction requests within 14 days from the date of receipt of the requests. Where we are unable to meet this timeline, we will update you with the soonest possible time within we can provide the information or make the correction. Please note that certain types of Personal Data access and correction requests may be exempt under Applicable Laws.

We will send your corrected Personal Data to every other person or entity to which such Personal Data was disclosed by HUNG GEE BEES FARM within the year OR twelve (12) months before the date of the correction, unless such person or entity does not need the corrected Personal Data for any legal or business purpose or unless we reasonably believe that the other person or entity has ceased using such PersonalData for the purpose for which such disclosure was made.

Removing A Social Media Account

If you would like to remove a social media account, like FACEBOOK, which linked to Hung Gee Bees Farm account, please follow these steps:

  1. Prepare information of your FACEBOOK account.
  2. Contact Hung Gee Bees Farm Customer Service Center and ask for the deletion of your personal data, and representative will ask you few questions to identify, and then help you to unlink your Hung Gee Bees Farm account.
  3. After removed your social media account linked Hung Gee Bees Farm account, all data and personal information of your account in Hung Gee Bees Farm website will be deleted, including E-mail, order information, bonus, login records etc.. Also, all of your data in Hung Gee Bees Farm website can not be recovered after you decide to unlink.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Hung Gee Bees Farm  Customer Service Center.

Request To Withdraw Processing

If you wish to withdraw your consent for us to send you sales, marketing or promotional information, please inform us by emailing us at info@hgbees.com.tw

Note that, depending on the nature of the consent withdrawal, we may not be able to continue to provide you with some or all of our products or services.

Once we receive notification that you wish to withdraw your consent for receiving marketing or promotional materials or communications, it may take up to thirty (30) days for your withdrawal to be reflected in our systems. Therefore, you may still receive marketing or promotional materials or communications during this period.

If you withdraw your consent to receive marketing or promotional materials through a specific communication mode (e.g. SMS), we may still contact you for other purposes in relation to the products and services via other communication modes you have subscribed to (e.g. email).

Adminstration And Management Of Personal Data

We will make reasonable efforts to ensure Personal Data likely to be used by us or disclosed by us to another organization is accurate and complete. However, you should update us of any changes in your Personal Data. We will not be responsible for relying on inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data if you have not updated us of changes.

We will also put in place reasonable security arrangements to ensure that your Personal Data is adequately protected and secured. This includes putting in place reasonable measures to prevent any unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, leakage, loss, damage or alteration of your Personal Data. However, we will not be responsible for any unauthorized use of Personal Data by third parties which is attributable to factors beyond our control.

When Personal Data in our possession is (i) no longer required for any reason connected to the purpose it was originally collected or (ii) retention by us is no longer necessary for any other legal or business purposes, we will exercise measures to ensure such Personal Data is destroyed, permanently deleted or anonymized.

If Personal Data is transferred out of Taiwan, we will comply with Applicable Laws in doing so. This includes: (i) obtaining your consent, unless an exception exists under Applicable Laws or any other laws, and (ii) taking reasonable steps to ascertain whether the foreign recipient of the Personal Data is bound to comply with standards of protection that are at least comparable to the Applicable Laws.

Third Party Cookies

HUNG GEE BEES FARM uses the services of third-party vendors, who may implement cookies on the Website. Advertisements on the Website may be provided by third party agencies. These advertisements may also generate cookies, for example, to track how many people have viewed the advertisement.  The collection, use, and disclosure of information, including Personal Data, collected by such third-party cookies are subject to the privacy and data protections policies of the third-party vendors and are not under our control.

You may reject third party cookies through the settings on your browser. Note that this may result in the loss of Website functionality, restrict your use of the Website, or delay or affect the way in which the Website operates.

Contacting Us

For any questions relating to your Personal Data or about this Policy, if you have a complaint regarding the collection, use or handling of your Personal Data by us, or a question about how we are complying with Applicable Laws, you may contact us via email at  info@hgbees.com.tw

Emails and letters should clearly state that you are making a data protection query, request or complaint in the subject line to ensure the matter is dealt with expediently. We will strive to deal with any query, request or complaint promptly and fairly.

Convering Law

This Policy and your use of this Website shall be governed in all respects by the laws of Taiwan.

Language Of This Policy

In accordance with the requirements of Applicable Laws, this Policy is issued in English.








Membership Terms of Service

Membership Terms of Service 

In order to protect the rights and interests of both parties, please be sure to read the terms of use and personal information notice of the official shopping website of Acer Bee Ecological Farm (hereinafter referred to as this website). Information Notice", you are deemed to have understood and agreed to all the stipulations of these Terms of Use and Personal Information Notice:

Membership account, registration, password and security

  • In order to protect your personal rights and interests, please fill in the member registration information in detail. If your member information (such as mailing address, contact number) and other information is changed, you should immediately go to the member center to correct it.
  • You can edit, view and modify your membership registration information in the Member Center after logging in to your account on this website.
  • For security reasons, you should keep the account number and password registered on this website properly, and should use your account number and password to log in to this website. the behavior of the holder.
  • When you register on this website, you should log in with correct and complete information. If you register with false or wrong information, this website has the right to suspend or terminate your member account.
  • This website strictly prohibits the repeated registration of members of this website in different identities and disrupts the transaction behavior of this website.
  • If you choose to pay by credit card, you must provide exact credit card information. If any situation of stealing and swiping the cardholder's credit card without the cardholder's permission is found, this website has the right to suspend or terminate its member account; if it violates the relevant laws, it will also be investigated according to law. In order to protect the privacy and rights and interests of members, this website does not retain financial information such as credit card numbers that members log in on the website.
  • When this website knows that your account number and password have been stolen, this website may immediately suspend or terminate your membership account and password to use the services of this website, and remove all information related to the member on this website. Once removed, all membership rights, including all previous membership benefits, will be forfeited.
  • In addition to providing manufacturer-related shipping information and checkout information, the personal information you log in and register on this website should be kept confidential and will not be leaked or provided to third parties.

Personal Information Collection, Processing and Use Instructions

  • The company may publish some of the information on this website on your community activity information page through Facebook or similar community service systems after obtaining your consent. If you do not agree to the release of such information, please You should not click the consent button, or remove such information or refuse to continue to publish relevant information on this website through the membership mechanism of each community service afterwards. If you have any questions, you can still contact our company, and our company will assist you to confirm and deal with relevant issues.
  • In order to more accurately provide products or services to customers, meet customer needs, or notify customers about the latest products and services on this website. We may also use personal data for internal purposes, such as data analysis and research, to improve our products, services, web page presentation, and communication channels with customers.
  • If the delivery address, contact person, contact information and other personal information you fill in are not your own, you agree that you have obtained the consent of each party to provide it to the company, and have provided the company on behalf of the company on the previously issued statutory notices. inform. The company will not arbitrarily provide your personal data to a third party, except to provide it to judicial, prosecutorial and relevant competent authorities in accordance with the law, or to use it within the necessary scope of the company's third-party suppliers to carry out relevant activities.  
  • If you have any concerns about the way we process your personal data, wish to access or correct the personal data we hold for you, wish to 'opt out' of receiving marketing communications or withdraw permission to use your personal data If you have any concerns or complaints about the way your personal data is collected or processed, please contact us at the official customer service center.
  • If you use the account registered with FaceBook, if you no longer use this account for various actions and request to delete it, please call the customer service, and the action of deleting the user data of FaceBook will be carried out.

Modification of Privacy Policy span>

  • The company reserves the right to revise this privacy policy and the contents of this website at any time, and will not notify members individually except for the announcement of the change statement at the same location on the website. If you have any questions about this privacy protection policy or do not agree with such changes or modifications, you can use the official website customer service center or Facebook fan group or stop using the services of this website.  

Online order and purchase

  • Members who make online orders and purchases on this website indicate that they are willing to purchase the product and are willing to abide by the transaction rules. Do not deny the purchase or refuse to pay on the grounds that the member information does not match.
  • All members who make online orders and purchases on this website shall agree that the electronic transaction data recorded on this website shall prevail. In case of disputes, the electronic transaction data shall be used as the identification standard. If you find that the transaction information is incorrect, you should immediately notify the customer service center of this website to protect your own rights.
  • After a member's order is successful, this website reserves the right to accept the order or not; if it is confirmed that the order information is correct, the payment transaction is completed, and the goods are still in stock, the shipment will be arranged immediately.
  • Members also reserve the right to cancel the order before the payment is made and the order has not been shipped.
  • The information content of the pages linked to this website is provided by the linked website. This website does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of its content.
  • Members should carefully read the "Product Introduction", "Content Description", "Ingredient Description", "Precautions" and other contents on the product introduction page of this website before ordering. Content on the product description page.

Modification of Terms of Use

  • This website reserves the right to revise or change these terms of use at any time based on needs. The revised terms of use will be published in the member center of this website without separate notice. Members should pay attention to the revisions and changes of the terms of use at any time, and agree to abide by the revised terms of use. Your continued use of this website after any revisions or changes will be deemed to have read, understood and agreed to accept the relevant revisions and changes that have been made.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

  • Online ordering and consumption on this website are governed by the laws of the Republic of China. In the event of a dispute, the Taipei District Court in Taiwan shall be the court of first instance jurisdiction.


  In the following cases, this website has the right to view or provide personal information of members to the competent authorities:
  • As required by law, or by order of a judicial or other competent authority;
  • To enforce these Terms of Use, or the Member violates the Terms of Use;
  • To maintain the normal operation and security of the system of this website;
  • To protect the legitimate rights and interests of this website, other members, or other third parties;
    • A sudden failure of electronic communication equipment, resulting in the suspension of the electronic communication service applied for by this website, or force majeure factors such as natural disasters, makes this website unable to provide services.
    • Necessary maintenance and construction of electronic communication equipment on this website.
  • When this website is tampered with transaction prices or conditions by hackers, there is insufficient inventory of goods, transaction obstacles that cannot be excluded by this website, or other abnormal circumstances that this website cannot accept orders, this website will reserve the acceptance of orders for shipment. and will notify members of the failure of the order or the cancellation of the order by e-mail, mobile text message or telephone contact.